PMG will offer the finest products to consumers in Latin America and will efficiently transact the process of matching up producers, retailers, and consumers. PMG will champion free trade by promoting commerce and economic prosperity.
PMG’s corporate responsibility, in concert with our Latin American business partners and representatives, is to ensure freedom, the ability to conduct honest and ethical business and to promote democracy in Central and South America.
Dr. Randy Brinson became intensely involved in the geopolitical affairs of Latin America over the last four years, through a relationship with Alejandro Pena Esclusa and nonprofit UnoAmerica, the leading advocate for democracy in Latin America. As a strong supporter of the rule of law and freedom to engage in commerce, we believe that the United States’ commercial and agricultural concerns must invest and build stronger political, cultural, and economic ties with our historic allies and neighbors in our hemisphere.
Since 1989, with the fall of the Soviet Union, Fidel Castro and his allies, through the formation of the San Paulo Forum, have used political and economic pressures through such resources as oil, to export anti-American sentiment and Marxist ideology throughout Latin America. With the installation of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, the use of narco -terrorism, along with the oil resources, and Islamic jihadists, they have spread Marxism into a number of countries causing concern about the security of our nation and our allies. Our economic competitors such as China, Russia, and India have worked to expand their influence in the region because of our nation’s lack of strategic focus in the region.
As responsible corporate citizens, our belief is, to offset the agenda and purposes of the San Paulo Forum and concerns of Marxism, that capital investment and a free exchange of goods and services is of vital interest to the security of the United States. The implications of not engaging in Central and South America, either through educational campaigns and business, will lead to dire consequences and affiliations with regimes that are hostile to the interests of the United States. The threat of Marxism and anti-democratic dictatorships is a very real consequence of neglect and confused foreign policy.
PMG is dedicated to ensure that markets in Central and South America are kept free of interference from Marxist influence and that we can contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life of the peoples of the nations through free trade and democratic ideals.
PMG, LLC will provide the highest quality services and products to our clients and will demonstrate value and integrity in all of our business transactions.
We are committed to giving our clients and our customers a strong competitive international business edge.
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