
Up in Smoke Documentary: Honduran farmers transform families' fortunes


In this second video of a three-part series of short films based around the documentary Up In Smoke, we look further into how a sustainable way of agriculture might replace slash-and-burn farming, which is destructive to the rainforest. An organic method of farming might also provide greater financial security for small farmers and revitalize the ecosystem in which it is implemented. Watch documentary here




November 2, 2012
Meeting of delegation from the State of Alabama with the Tilapia Producers from Honduras, Marriott Hotel, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.



Former Honduran President Roberto Micheletti interviewed by Dr. Randy Brinson

Former President Roberto Micheletti of Honduras interviewed by Dr. Randy Brinson



In August, 2012, Alabama Agriculture Commissioner John McMillan and Dean of the College of Agricutlure of Auburn University Dr William Batchelor traveled to Honduras from Guatemala to meet with President Lobo and the Honduran cabinet to discuss trade, academic and technical assistance to improve agricultural productivity, energy and security concerns with governmental and private sectors. Both McMillan, Brinson, and Batchelor were able to address the Honduran people on national television to promote assistance from the State of Alabama to Honduras.




Meeting with Honduran trade representatives


During our trade mission to Honduras, we met with our trade representative in Honduras, Carlos Avila Molina and Jesus Canahuati, one of the major maquilla operators in his hometown of San Pedro Sula. During this mission, we built quality relationships with the business sector of Honduras to provide energy solutions and commodity trading opportunities with the State of Alabama and the Republic of Honduras.



Meeting with Honduran cabinet



Dean of the College of Agriculture, Auburn University Dr, William Batchelor (second from left) and Commissioner of Agriculture John McMillan (4th from the left) flanking Vice President Maria Antonieta de Bogran of Honduras with the rest of the Honduran cabinet along with PanAmerican Marketing Group, LLC President Dr Randy Brinson and Managing Director Luis Monch, Director of Latin American Affairs at initial welcoming visit at the Presidential Palace, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.




Mr. Luis Monch of PanAmerican Marketing Group, LLC, Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of Alabama John McMillan, President Porfino Lobo of Honduras, Dean of Auburn University College of Agriculture Dr William Batchelor, Dr Randy Brinson, and Minister of Agriculture of Honduras Jacobo Regaldo ( from left to right) at agriculture fair in Esperanza, Honduras.


Dr John McMillan, Dr Randy Brinson, and Dr William Batchelor of Auburn University at Agricultural Festival in Esperanza, Honduras


President Porfino Lobo with World Bank and United Nations FAO to present financial support to agricultural microproducers of Esperanza, Honduras


Luis Monch and Dr Randy Brinson with the Honduran National Ballet


Dr William Batchelor with USAID director with family farm in Honduras


Local farmer planting potatoes


Local farmer clearing fields



Honduran performers at Agriculture fair in Honduras



Honduras recibe apoyo en agro, piscicultura y en seguridad...



1 Ago 2012 – República de Honduras | Casa Presidencial ... En ese sentido, el ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería, Jacobo Regalado, manifestó que la visita ... Randy Brinson, recordó que es la tercera misión que visita el país, con el fin ...


Gobierno entrega de recursos a cooperativas lencas de Intibucá



2 Ago 2012 – Gobierno condecora a embajador de Canadá concurrente para Honduras ... Por su parte, el ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería, Jacobo Regalado, dijo que es ... ejecutivo de Panamerican Marketing

Group, Randy Brinson.




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